Sunday 9 August 2020

The Horns of the Dilemma

 "The more the words,

the less the meaning,

and how does that

profit anyone?"

- Ecclesiastes 6:11 


 And herein lies my struggle. That something needs saying about many of the situations in the world today is indisputable, yet to say too much is both just to add to the torrent of 'noise' that the world is already awash with from a multitude of channels, and to endanger the silence of the heart in which true discernment lies. It is that detachment which allows one to see clearly enough to have insight worth sharing in the first place. To speak too much is to risk being left with nothing worth saying.

 On the other hand, to quote Horace

"brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio"

Roughly translated, 'I strive to be brief and I become obscure'. The tendency toward the gnomic, whilst always tempting, is self-evidently unhelpful when trying to communicate ideas and insight. 

How, then, to bisect the horns of the dilemma? Something to ponder...
